elderly man - Read up on all the latest about elderly man on Newsner

elderly man

94-year-old grandpa has the sweetest routine with this pair of neighborhood dogs

94-year-old grandpa has the sweetest routine with this pair of neighborhood dogs

We all have different experiences with our neighbors, from friendly to nonexistent. However, these southern neighbors have a special bond ...

Family accidentally leaves elderly man behind at rest stop for three hours, state trooper comes to his aid

It sounds very similar to when Kevin got left behind in Home Alone, but this unfortunate incident actually happened in ...

Elderly man rescued from ditch during winter storm and carried to safety by state trooper

Trooper Tyler Harrington had just started his shift in the early hours of the morning when he learned of an ...

90-year-old man comes out as gay – 'I’ve been in the closet all my life'

At 90 years old, Kenneth Felts can finally breathe a sigh of relief. He can finally be himself. For nearly ...

88-year-old breaks hip while mowing lawn, EMTs return to his home and finish the job

Harold Storelee, 88, has lived at his Rochester, Washington home by himself ever since his wife died five years ago. ...

94-year-old man builds pool for local kids so he won't be lonely after wife died

This spring, 94-year-old Keith Davison hired a construction company to install a pool in his backyard, and in July when ...