Boy gets sharp pain in his throat – his doctor is shocked by what he discovers in the X-ray

For parents, summer is a time when your kids have a lot of fun, but it also means having to remind them to be a bit more careful.

They need to drink a lot of water, wear sunscreen, and wear proper shoes when they run around outside.

But one thing we hadn’t thought of before was that barbecue tools can be dangerous — even when kids don’t get near them.

One lovely summer day last summer, Nadia and her family were having a barbecue in their backyard.

Everyone looked forward to eating juicy burgers, including Anthony, Nadia’s son and the first to get one of the homemade burgers.

Image Source: YouTube/CBC

But the moment he bit into his burger, Anthony’s bliss was replaced by horror.

Anthony told his mom that he felt a needle poking his throat. Horrified, Nadia hurried Anthony to the hospital.

Once there, a doctor took X-rays and discovered something in the boy’s throat that made him act immediately.

Image Source: YouTube/CBC

The needle-like pain turned out to be a bristle from a metal brush used to clean the grill.

Probably because the brush was a bit old, the bristle had fallen off it and got stuck in the burger that Anthony took a bite of.

Image Source: YouTube/CBC

The doctor quickly ordered surgery to remove the bristle from Anthony’s throat.

The operation went smoothly, and without complications, to Nadia and her family’s great relief.

Image Source: YouTube/CBC

Anthony’s throat ended up getting infected, but it turned out to be nothing serious and now he was able to enjoy the rest of the summer.

Image Source: YouTube/CBC

This was a real eye-opener for us, and we hope that parents everywhere remember to check their barbecue tools before cooking up burgers for their kids.

Watch Nadia describe the terrifying incident here:

Let’s all keep this in mind this barbecue season! Please consider sharing this article to help raise awareness about the dangers using old barbecue brushes.

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