Granddaughter’s surprise makes this grandpa collapse into tears

Back in September 2015, Leann and her husband visited her granddad, Ried.

Ried had no idea, but the couple had prepared quite a surprise for him.

Leann was pregnant with twins, but had kept the secret from her beloved grandfather until then. Still, she had a hunch that her granddad’s reaction to the news was going to be big… and when you see the clip below, you’ll see that Leann was spot on.

It all started when the couple handed Ried a photo of an ultrasound.

First, the grandpa realizes that his granddaughter is pregnant, but he doesn’t see all of the details in the picture. But when it finally dawns on him that his granddaughter is expecting twins, Ried is over the moon and shouts out cries of joy.

The ecstatic grandpa also lets a small swear word slip out, but who could blame him? There’s no doubt that this is true joy.

Leann gave birth to beautiful twin girls in February 2016 and I don’t doubt for a second that Ried is handling his job as great-granddad splendidly!

Please share this glorious display of joy with your friends on Facebook if you want to put a little sunshine in their lives!

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