Unknown mistakes and funny bloopers in I Dream of Jeannie

Growing up, many of us were absolutely captivated by the stunning Barbara Eden.

The producers of I Dream of Jeannie must also have known that her charm and grace would keep viewers enthralled – making it easy to overlook any hiccups.

Barbara Eden was a true class act — always kind and never speaking ill of anyone, embodying a spirit that resonates across generations.

As a national treasure and pop culture icon, she holds a special place in the hearts of so many, and I Dream of Jeannie remains one of the greatest TV shows of all time.

But, behind all that magic lies a treasure trove of delightful little mistakes and bloopers that fans might have missed while swooning over the enchanting Jeannie.

So, let’s sprinkle some laughter on our nostalgia and dive into the charming mishaps that only add to the allure of this beloved series!

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The cat trick

Let’s dive into our first blooper, which comes from Season 1. In the episode ”Guess What Happened on the Way to the Moon?”, Tony and Roger find themselves dropped in the desert as part of their astronaut training. Yes, nothing says ”survival” quite like a week in the sweltering sun with your buddy and a genie!

At one point, we see Jeannie getting in on the action, and Tony, in a moment of sheer desperation, orders her to “stop interfering!” Cue Jeannie popping up and conjuring a giant cat on a rock.

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Now, here’s where it gets funny: as Tony tries to throw a rock at this feline friend, the cat leaps into the air like it’s auditioning for the circus.

But wait — take a closer look! That cat isn’t just leaping on its own; it’s actually tethered to a rope, keeping it from jumping too far and hurting Larry Hagman.

So much for a wild mountain lion encounter, right? And if you look closely at the vegetation, you’ll spot pine trees—not the famous Joshua trees we’d expect in the desert.

”Mickey Mouse” boots

Did you know that Major Healy’s ”synthetic boots” in the ”Guess What Happened on the Way to the Moon?” episode are actually US military-issue cold-weather boots, affectionately known as “Mickey Mouse” boots.

They would have been more suited for an Arctic mission than for sweating it out in the scorching Utah desert.

Barbara Eden’s navel

Barbara Eden wore a costume featuring high-waisted pants that sat above her navel. However, she noted years later that in the early episodes, the pants occasionally rode down, revealing her belly button for the camera.

Initially, network executives and censors were unconcerned about this little peek. But after someone casually mentioned it during the third season, the requirement to cover her navel was put into place.

”No one specifically said it couldn’t be shown. But in those days it was something you couldn’t do,” Eden later explained. 

The rain machine

Let’s take a look at Season 1, Episode 9, titled ”The Moving Finger.” In this memorable episode, Jeannie gets a little jealous when she sees Tony dating a movie star. So, what does she do? She decides to try her hand at becoming a star herself! Unfortunately for her, genies can’t be photographed.

In one funny scene, Jeannie spots Tony with his new love interest and conjures up a rainstorm to dampen their fun. But if you pay close attention, you might notice the rain machine scurrying above Larry Hagman (Tony). It’s hard not to chuckle at the sight of it making its way across the set!

And let’s not forget about the driver who shows up at Tony’s door. Tony calls him “Sergeant,” but technically, an enlisted airman with three stripes in 1965 would have been an Airman 1st Class — not a Sergeant! Just a little mix-up in ranks, but it adds to the charm of the show.

Djinn and Water

In the episode ”Djinn and Water”, we are introduced to Jeannie’s great-grandfather, Billy Jack, who casually mentions that the last time he was summoned was 1,500 years ago. However, for dedicated fans of the show, this raises an eyebrow because, if you recall from the very first episode, Jeannie was trapped in her bottle for 2,000 years! A little slip in the timeline, perhaps?

As the episode unfolds, we see Dr. Bellows and Tony chatting in the driveway. But hold on — take a look at the background! That mountain is quite a sight, but remember, we’re supposed to be in Florida, where you wouldn’t typically find such a rise in land.

And when Jeannie speaks with her great-grandfather, she affectionately refers to his mistress as “that little belly dancer” and mentions a name, Tanya, more than once. This is likely a nod to Tanya Lemani, the famous belly dancer who was a favorite among Hollywood casting directors during the 1960s. It’s little details like these that make “I Dream of Jeannie” a timeless classic.

NASA never operated this way

In the series, NASA is depicted as a highly militarized organization, which is quite a departure from its real-life operations.

Contrary to the show, NASA astronauts didn’t actually reside in Florida during that period; they trained at the Manned Spacecraft Center, now known as Johnson Space Center, located in Houston.

Stainless steel device

In Season 2, Episode 22, a charming blooper awaits those with a keen eye.

In one scene, Jeannie floats in with her legs crossed, embodying the perfect genie or guru. But if you look closely — really closely — you can spot the strings or wires that hold her aloft! Plus, she’s sitting on a shiny aluminum or stainless steel device designed to elevate her into the scene.

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And that’s just the beginning! Later in the episode, Jeannie performs a magic trick that’s sure to capture your attention: she goes from being contained in her bottle to suddenly enlarging herself in the outside world.

In another memorable moment from this episode, Jeannie undergoes a striking transformation, changing her hair color from blonde to black. This clever switch foreshadows Barbara Eden’s later portrayal of Jeannie’s evil twin, Jeannie II, where she dons a fabulous black wig to bring that character to life.

That tennis dress

One episode that stands out for many fans is the hilarious See You in C-U-B-A from Season 5. In a nutshell, Tony finds himself captured while Jeannie is busy trying on a variety of outfits.

It’s the latter part that really caught viewers’ attention — especially the classic scene where Barbara Eden shows off different ensembles. And oh, did she steal the show in that tennis outfit! Her natural beauty shined through, and that skirt — well, let’s just say if it were any shorter, it wouldn’t have been a skirt at all.

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Imagine stumbling upon a bottle on the beach, only to have Barbara Eden pop out and say, “I’m ready to serve you and grant ‘anything’ you desire.” Talk about a dream come true — Tony Nelson was definitely the luckiest guy around.

Interestingly, Jeannie didn’t sport her trademark pink harem outfit in this episode, which eagle-eyed viewers might have noticed.

And as a fun fact, Roger’s tennis date, Tina, was none other than a young Farrah Fawcett, appearing in her very first year of acting.

This was seven years before she became a household name in Charlie’s Angels Fawcett would make another appearance as Roger’s date Tina just four episodes later, giving fans a delightful preview of a future star.

These little details are what make revisiting the show so much fun—you never know what gems you might have missed the first time around!

Blue smoke

”There Goes the Best Genie I Ever Had” is a classic episode, and those who paid close attention to it probably noticed an interesting blooper.

As Jeannie waves her hands to disperse a puff of blue smoke, her arms unexpectedly glow with a blue light. This unintentional effect results from a blue light meant to color the smoke, creating a reflection that wasn’t intended to be there. It’s a fascinating glimpse into early Hollywood’s attempts at special effects!

Jim Beam liquor

The fancy antique bottle that served as Jeannie’s cozy home was actually a stylish Jim Beam liquor decanter!

Originally filled with “Beam’s Choice” Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey, it got a fabulous makeover with a splash of gold leaf, thanks to one of the creative talents in the show’s art department. Who knew Jeannie had such a taste for high spirits?

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Drawer opens itself

In the classic Season 2 episode, There Goes the Bride, Jeannie casts a love spell on Tony, resulting in some enchanting antics.

While viewers are usually focused on Jeannie and her magical transformations — like the stunning bridal gown she conjures up — there’s a sneaky little blooper that you might miss if you’re not paying attention.

In the foreground, just before Jeannie transforms, there’s a closed drawer.

When Jeannie ”blinks” herself into a wedding dress, the drawer of Tony’s desk unexpectedly “magically” opens — a likely error from the set that slipped through between takes. It’s a humorous touch that doesn’t quite fit the scene but it adds a delightful chuckle to the moment, reminding us that sometimes, even the magic can be a bit unpredictable.

By the way, this episode was the directorial debut for Larry Hagman.

Yellow or red roses?

Now, this blooper is quite the head-scratcher! In season 2, episode 31, titled “The Mod Party,” we see a person lurking in the background while Major Nelson and Jaime chat. The next-door neighbor starts off holding vibrant red roses, but after a quick camera change, he’s suddenly holding yellow roses.

This likely happened because the scenes were filmed at different times—maybe even half an hour apart. Who knows, maybe Jeannie was up to her usual mischief with some sneaky magic!

A unique chemistry

Larry Hagman was notorious for being hard to work with. It got to the point where the show’s producers seriously considered replacing him.

But Barbara Eden wasn’t having any of it. ”We truly had a chemistry that I had with no other actor,” she once said said.

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And it showed! Their on-screen magic felt natural and effortless, a hallmark of a great acting duo who just seemed to click.

Hagman, just a month younger than Eden, became lifelong friends.

Barbara was pregnant

When I Dream of Jeannie began, a bit of a crisis emerged — Barbara was pregnant! This meant a scramble to quickly film 10 episodes before her baby bump became noticeable.

Things weren’t exactly smooth sailing on set either. Hagman, determined to make the show the best it could be, often butted heads with director Gene Nelson, who preferred to stick strictly to the script. Both men even wanted the other fired at times, but somehow, it all came together — much like the magic in Jeannie’s bottle!

Writer got fired

Jeannie’s mischievous twin sister, “Jeannie II,” a sultry brunette in a stunning green harem dress, was created by former Bewitched writer James S. Henerson.

Ironically, his creative endeavors had some serious consequences. In fact, Henerson was fired from Bewitched when it was discovered that he was juggling scripts for both iconic shows at the same time.

Hands-on approach

Barbara Eden took a hands-on approach in choosing the pink and maroon color combination for Jeannie’s harem outfit.

The playful pink reflects her whimsical, girlish side, while the maroon captures her fiery, headstrong spirit. Eden also chose the purple trim for Jeannie’s bottle, adding another layer of charm to her iconic look!

Barbara Eden was very shy

It’s hard to believe, given all her accomplishments in front of the camera, but Barbara Eden was quite shy as a child!

With her glasses, eye patch, and pigtails, she often felt self-conscious. To help her overcome this shyness, her mother signed her up for singing classes, setting the stage for her future stardom.

”In acting you lose yourself in a role. You are somebody else. You’re only bothered by shyness when you’re off stage,” she told The News in 1969.

The glue that held it all together

Hayden Rorke was an incredibly talented actor, best known for his role as the ever-suspicious Dr. Alfred E. Bellows on I Dream of Jeannie.

According to Barbara Eden, his contributions were invaluable to the show’s success. The actress described Hayden Rorke as the glue that held everything together during challenging times in production. She praised his kindness, professionalism, and wisdom, calling them truly priceless qualities.

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So, next time you catch an episode, keep an eye out for these hidden gems — they might just make you appreciate the show’s playful spirit even more!

And don’t forget to share these delightful finds with fellow fans who love a little TV nostalgia!