Tim wakes up to mysterious sounds – looks outside and sees lynx on his deck

Tim Newton woke up to some strange sounds one recent morning.

So he looked out the window and saw a family of eight lynxes playing on his balcony.

“Amazing Alaska wildlife!” Tim wrote on Facebook.

Tim Newton, who lives in Alaska, got a totally unexpected visit recently.

Early one the morning, he woke up to some strange sounds coming from his deck.

At first, Tim thought it was some cats running across his deck, but when he looked out the window, he got a shock.

Outside on his deck was a whole family of lynxes — one mother and her seven kittens.

Tim Newton Photography

“Normally when you see a lynx, you have just enough time to get your camera out, and then they’re gone. So I was thrilled I could get a couple pictures of them playing on the deck. And I thought that might be the end of it,” Tim told KTUU News.

Tim Newton Photography

The lynxes played for a moment on the deck until their mother decided that it was enough. And then, they disappeared into the woods again.

But Tim, but first, Tim was able to take some incredible pictures of the whole family.

Tim Newton Photography

Tim is grateful for the unexpected visit, but at the same time, he notes that he’s not jealous of the mother.

“She has her hands full. I’ve concluded from this that lynx must spend about 1 percent of their time chasing rabbits, and 99 percent of their time chasing each other,” Tim told KTUU News.

What an incredible visit! Please share it with your friends!

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