Knowing whether your cat has eaten something dangerous can be difficult—especially when you’re not sure what is harmful to cats and what isn’t. And you might think that you keep things that are clearly poisonous to cats out of reach, but cats have ways of getting their paws into them.
With that in mind, it’s good to take some time and learn what common foods and other substances are poisonous to cats. Scroll down for a list of things that your cat should definitely not eat. And if you suspect your cat has been poisoned, contact your veterinarian or go directly to the nearest animal emergency room.
1. Chocolate
Cocoa contains theobromine, which is toxic to cats. If a cat ingests a large amount of chocolate, it might die. Symptoms usually appear after four to 24 hours and can include heart palpitations, hyperactivity, and restlessness.

2. Onions
Every kind of onion both is toxic to your cat whether cooked or uncooked. Symptoms may include breathlessness, loss of appetite, diarrhea, or vomiting.

3. Grapes and raisins
Both affect your cat’s kidneys. And it doesn’t take more than a raisin to be a threat. Common symptoms include vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain.

4. Glycol
While cats like the taste of ethylene glycol, the chemical is very harmful to them. It’s in both antifreeze and window washing fluid, and both can leak from your car. Signs that a cat has ingested antifreeze include thirst, a “drunken” appearance, and frequent urination.

5. Lilies and other plants
Several leaves and flowers can be dangerous for cats, including Christmas roses, hyacinths, and amaryllis. In addition, all lilies are toxic to cats and can damage their kidneys.

6. Pharmaceuticals
Common human medicines like aspirin can be toxic to your cat. Consult your veterinarian immediately if you notice that your cat has taken a drug.

7. Rat poison
Rat poison and other rodenticides are dangerous for cats even in small doses. And the scary thing is that cats like the way rat poisin smells and tastes. If your cat has eaten a mouse that was poisoned, that can also affect your cat.
Symptoms of rat poisoning include dullness, lethargy, and blood in the stool.

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