7-year-old girl saved kitten that adults were too terrified to even look at

From the moment Gülümser was born, she lived amidst rubbish and filth on the busy streets of Istanbul. For the entire first four weeks of her life, she cried out constantly for help. But while many came across her, no one did anything to do to help.

Gülümser, which means “she who always smiles” in Turkish, was horribly disfigured — her mouth was misshaped, she was missing an ear, barely had a tongue left and her face was full of maggots and mites.

She looked so unusual that she soon became known as ‘monster’.

No one was willing to go anywhere near the poor creature — until one day, a 7-year-old girl heard the kitten’s cries.

The young girl soon discovered the tiny kitten hiding in the trash.

She immediately wanted to help and insisted on bringing the kitten home. Her, father, a physician, decided to try to treat the poor animal. And so the road to recover for little Gülümser began.

Gülümser was given medication, food, love, and much needed reconstructive surgery.

Amazing Transformation

With loads of love and care, the little miracle kitten slowly began to transform. She was full of courage and determination.

Look at her now — she is a gorgeous feline, living a happy life at her new forever home — all thanks to a little girl with a very big heart.

All animals deserve to be cared for a loved. It shouldn’t take a seven-year-old girl to remind us of that.

What an incredible transformation! This really tugs at the heartstrings. Share this story to celebrate Gülümser’s amazing recover and if you agree this little girl has a huge heart.

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