It doesn’t matter how often we hear about dreadful animal cruelty. It never ceases to shock me and it never becomes any easier to take in.
A lot of it starts with perception and education, where people are still continuing to fail to recognize the very alive-ness of animals and treat them instead like lifeless objects that have no feelings or can’t feel pain.
But as we have known for many years now, this is far from the truth. We discover, again and again, just how smart, sensitive and kind animals can be.
Thankfully many humans do recognize this and are always ready to help out animals in distress. That was the case in this story – which begind dreadfully – but ends so well!
WARNING: Some readers may find the below images distressing.
Caitlyn encountered human evil.

When she was found, her jaws had been taped together so tightly that rescuers weren’t sure if they could save her tongue. It was estimated she’d been taped that way for somewhere betw een 36-48 hours.

A good samaritan contacted the Charleston Animal Society, who immediately came to the rescue. Caitlyn wailed as the tape was removed.
It took several surgeries before Caitlyn’s condition improved. The individual responsible for her assault was reported and prosecuted for his terrible crimes.
But on the upside, Caitlyn is now a public face for the work of the receovery of formerly abused dogs.

Thanks to the “A dog’s best day” organization, she is now a new and happy dog. Only scars circling around her jaws reveal what she’d previously been through.

Watch the video below to see Caitlyn’s new life, filled with balls, toys and dog treats:
For Caitlyn, the story ends well but unfortunately this is not always the case for all abused pets. Please help spread Caitlyn’s story to draw attention to animal abuse. It’s never too late – together we can help save more animals. SHARE if you also hate animal abuse!
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