Carl The Wonder Pup Saves His Owner From An Apartment Fire.

Drew was really looking for a golden retriever, but when he went past Carl’s cage, it was love at first sight. And after all of the arrangements were made, Drew took his new best friend home to his apartment.

Then one day, Carl began barking like crazy. He’d been acting strangely all day and Drew didn’t understand what was going on. That night, Drew went to bed, but couldn’t sleep. Carl kept barking and pulling on him—and the pup did everything he could to get his owner’s attention.

Finally, Drew gave up. He got out of bed and turned on the lights. And that was when he saw something truly terrifying: The whole apartment was filled with smoke. And the amazing thing was that Carl sensed it even before the fire detectors did. Pretty soon, the fire alarms went off and a massive fire broke out in the apartment.

According to the fire department, the fire had been smoldering in the apartment’s walls all day. If it weren’t for Carl, Drew probably wouldn’t be alive today. And also thanks to Carl, Drew was able to alert the fire department, who stopped the fire early enough that they could save the building from destruction.

What a hero you are, Carl!

Watch a TV news segment about the smart dog here:

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