Dad pretends to eat his cat’s food – now watch his cat’s brilliant response

In the clip we see a playful cat owner suddenly apaprently realizing that cat food, after all, is quite good. He goes down on all fours, pretending to be a cat and grabs his cat’s food bowl.

He then begins to “eat” the food right in front of the surprised cat… and his pet’s reaction is rather immediate!

At first, the cat seems to allow his master to taste some of its delicious food, but ultimately, it has had enough.

Fearing its master will devour all its food, the cat at last interjects and clearly signals that ‘mine is mine, and yours is yours.’

Of course, the cat owner is just playing with his cat, and the feline will ultimately get all its food – but the cat’s reaction was well worth the prank.

Watch the clip in the player below – I challenge you to keep from laughing!

Don’t be stingy now – sharing this funny clip with your family and friends if you also thought the cat’s reaction was adorable!

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