cat - Read up on all the latest about cat on Newsner


Woman demands boyfriend get rid of dog, his reaction is shocking and hilarious

Woman demands boyfriend get rid of dog, his reaction is shocking and hilarious

People who have never experienced the unconditional love of a pet cannot understand why their place in the home is ...

Meet Buddy, the stray cat who was almost put down before he bounced back

When a kind passerby saw Buddy laying on the side of a busy roadway, she stopped her car and got ...

One-of-a-kind cat found in dumpster is as rare as a unicorn

Martyr is not a typical cat.  First, she was found in 2016 in a dumpster after a passerby heard her ...

Officials rescue cat on a leash precariously perched on Bay Bridge

SF Animal Care and Control, along with the California Highway Patrol and the California Department of Transportation, worked to rescue ...

Scared stray kitten wanders into backyard looking for help, then finds a new home

Back in September, a woman named Lindsay was at home Brooklyn, New York when she spotted a skittish little animal ...

Cat feared gone forever during wildfire rushes toward her family when they finally find her

As the Werblows looked around, trying to salvage anything they could from the ashes and rubbish, they suddenly saw a ...