Dad Takes A Picture Of His Daughter. But When He Zooms Out… What A Surprise!

It was an ordinary day out for this family. Then dad decides to snap a shot of his daughter standing in front of a beautiful and rather majestic Clyndesdale horse. They couldn’t have guessed that what would happen in that instant would later make their photo viral.



So far, it looks like an ordinary little girl, enjoying her day out with the family. She is smiling ear to ear and there’s nothing unusual or overly special about the photo.

But now, take a look at the wider shot.


caballo 2

This is a photobomb unlike any I’ve ever seen! It just absolutely made my day. It’s hard to explain exactly what this incredible horse flashing a smile behind the young girl was thinking, but one thing is sure – he has a great sense of humor:)


Did the photo amuse you, too? Feel free to share it to make everyone’s day as bright as the horse’s smile!


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