Dog huddles against the wall, shaking with fear – now watch when a rescue worker reaches out

When I saw the dog in the video below, my heart really went out to him.

When his cage opens, he huddles against the wall, shaking with fear at the mere sight of a human being. It’s just tragic.

I don’t even want to think about what he had to go through to react the way he did.

But luckily, the person who reached out to him was a volunteer from A Place to Bark dog rescue, who showed up to give him a chance at a better life.

Since he had completely lost confidence in humans, the dog required extra love and care to help him socialize again. But after being around the animal lovers at A Place to Bark, the dog’s true personality came out and he was his loveable self again.

And even better, after his rehabilitation, the dog was adopted by a wonderful, caring family!

These days, the dog enjoys playing with his friends and snuggling with his family. What a wonderful turn around!

dog rescue
A Place to Bark

All animals deserve a good life and a loving home. Share this video as a reminder of how important it is to take care of our animals!

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