Driver who kicked stray dog watches car get destroyed after same dog returns with friends

According to reports, the stray dog returned a little later on with a pack of his friends. They immediately set to attacking the man’s car, and his neighbor was able to film the whole thing on video.


It’s believed the man kicked the dog outside of his home in Chongqing, this instead of simply honking his horn or shooing the dog away.

That’s right, where he might have simply taken a few moments to calmly let the dog know it wasn’t allowed to be there, he physically harmed it.

Well, violence begets violence, as they say. No sooner had the man left his car and headed home, the dog returned with his buddies and paid the man back in kind.


The dogs apparently chewed on the frame of the car, as well as the windshield wipers and, well, just about anything else they could get their jaws round.


Luckily for us, the man’s neighbor filmed the dog’s retribution on camera and uploaded the footage online. It’s every bit as brilliant as it sounds.

No one should ever get away with intentionally harming an innocent animal. We just hope this man has learned his lesson once and for all.

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