It is often said that dogs are a man’s best friend. They’re always so happy to see us and they’re there for us through thick and thin. This story is further proof of the very special bond between dogs and humans.
The story begins when a family in Colorado had to move, but unfortunately couldn’t bring their dog, Boozer, to their new home. With tears in their eyes, the family left the dog at the Colorado Foothills Animal Shelter, a place that matches pets with new forever homes.
Everything could have ended there. But this isn’t that kind of story. When Colorado Foothills’ staff scanned Boozer’s microchip, they made a remarkable discovery. It turns out that the dog had a family before the one from Colorado.
Lloyd Goldston, of Alabama, and his family lost their dog nine years ago. Boozer was only a puppy back then and somehow managed to escape from the family garden.
Lloyd had given up hope of ever seeing his beloved dog again. Days, weeks, months, and years passed. Then one day, Colorado Foothills Animal Shelter sent Lloyd a picture of Boozer out of the blue.
“My reaction when I found out was I cried. Especially when they sent the first picture of him,” Lloyd told Time.
Lloyd and his two children jumped in the car and drove 18 hours straight to be reunited with their beloved doggie. They were nervous when they arrived and waited to greet their long-lost pooch.
But when Boozer came running into the room, it only took the dog a few seconds to recognize his beloved family. And as for Lloyd, his eyes filled with tears the moment he finally took his beloved Boozer back in his arms again.
What a beautiful sight! This reunion made me so happy, I cried tears of joy.
Watch the wonderful reunion between Boozer and his family below. It’s an unforgettable moment!
Please share this heartwarming video with all the animal lovers in your life!
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