Family Of Deer Comes Running When They See This Kind Woman.

When we happen upon a wild animal in nature, it’s a truly magical experience—one that we shouldn’t try to make even better by getting too close. Remember, wild animals can be dangerous, even when they’re doing something as well-intentioned as protecting their babies. Occasionally, though, after meeting a certain wild animal a few times, something truly magical happens. A feeling of mutual trust develops between a lucky person and the curious animal, and that person is able to get close to nature in a way few of us can. But if that person has a camera, we too experience the precious moment. Cheyenne has spent years developing trust with the natural world, but it’s paid off in an incredible way. When she goes outside of her home in Wyoming, she’s able to get close to not just one or two deer, but a whole herd. Watch as these beautiful animals approach her and even eat out of her hands. Her husband and camera man says this about the video you’re about to watch: “My wife Cheyenne feeds the deer every winter. Some deer have been coming back for years. She has names for some of them. They trust her completely and come when she calls. If a strange person is around, they are not as friendly. We have two bucks that will come up and eat out of the window like a drive thru.”

Please share if you also love nature and were amazed by Cheyenne’s interaction with these deer.

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