Ikea opens its doors so homeless dogs can stay warm on freezing cold days

Apparently, the Ikea in question has decided to go above and beyond its remit by welcoming the homeless dogs in the area into their building at night. Through this, the animals are giving a warm place to sleep during the cold weather.

Martine Taccia – a witness to the kindness – told The Dodo: “It’s not a common thing.

“The dogs receive daily food and pampering from IKEA’s employees and customers. Some dogs have even found a family, going home with customers.”

Instagram / valeria_antipatico

As per reports, the Ikea doesn’t openly boast or advertize the service they run, but it’s not gone unnoticed. A number of dogs can be seen padding their way through the store on a daily basis, and it’s hardly something customers are likely to complain about!

As for the dogs, they’re simply happy to be in the warm and out of the cold. If you want to get an idea for just how adorable a dog can look on a showroom floor, see the pictures below.

And how about this for a video:

We can only hope that other businesses will follow suit as the weather takes a turn for the worst.

It’s our wish that we can make it so no dog is ever forced to face a life on the streets. Share this article if you agree!

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