Jacob does everything other dogs do: He runs with abandon, plays fetch like a pro, and chases his friends around like the best of them. And while the Rottweiler makes it look easy, Jacob’s been blind since he was six months old. It’s amazing to see Jacob enjoy life as much as he does even though he went through the process of becoming blind. When I first saw this video on The Dodo’s Facebook page, I felt my troubles melt away and I instantly fell in love with Jacob’s winning attitude. See Jacob for yourself in the video below and prepare yourself for an overload of adorableness. I especially adored watching him playing on the beach, where he really seemed to come to life!
If Jacob brightened your day as much as he brightened ours, share this with others and spread the joy!
Newsner loves animals and believes in treating them with utmost respect. Please like if you do, too.