The love of a dog for its owner is unconditional. A dog truly is man’s best friend and it’s difficult to find a more faithful companion in life.
But every time an owner is separated from their dog, it’s just as heartbreaking.
Ryan Jessen was the proud owner of Mollie.
One day Ryan suddenly got a headache and thought it was only migraine — but it turned out to be much worse than that.
At the tender age of 33, Ryan suffered from a cerebral hemorrhage and ended up in a coma.
Sadly, it soon became clear that Ryan would never wake up from his coma. At the end of November 2016 his family was forced to imagine the worst possible outcome.
But one family member was absent from Ryan’s hospital room.
None other than Ryan’s beloved dog and companion, Mollie. She didn’t understand why her owner had never come back home.
Ryan’s sister Michelle wrote about the incident on Facebook: “The hospital did the sweetest thing for us and allowed us to bring my brother’s dog in to ‘say goodbye’ so she’d know why her human never came home. If you knew my brother, he really loved his sweet dog.”
You can watch the incredibly sad yet moving moment when Mollie says goodbye to her owner here:
The video must have originally been imagined to be shown to Ryan’s loved ones. Nevertheless, it’s a powerful moment between a man and his hound.
Therefore, it’s no surprise that the clip has spread like wildfire on the internet and have been seen by people all over the world.
On Facebook, Michelle thanked everyone for all the support the family has received: “We are sincerely touched and humbled by others’ stories, their sharing in our sadness and the kindness of so many people. Don’t worry about the dog! We’re keeping her!!! She’s part of the family.”
Dogs truly are a man’s best friend. This video is yet more proof of just that!
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