Many people think that cats and dogs are bitter enemies, and of course that can sometimes be true. Most often it’s just because they’re not used to each other.
Some cats and dogs are best friends and others don’t particularly care about each other one way or another.
In the video below, we see a small puppy fall into a big pit.

The poor little thing can’t get himself back up no matter how hard he tries. Time after time he falls back into the pit.
A cat appears and sees what has happened. The cat understands that, despite their differences, it has to help the puppy.
At first it seems like the cat is also afraid of getting stuck in the pit, but eventually the cat makes the right decision.
In one confident jump, it reaches down into the pit and picks the puppy up securely by its neck
Thankfully they’re both safe on solid ground again. I hope the puppy stays away from pits in the future.
Take a look at the video below capturing the unusual rescue.
Share this video with your Facebook friends if you also think that us humans can sometimes learn from animals’ kindness and compassion!
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