It’s always a special experience to encounter a deer in your own backyard. — and it’s also special seeing your own pets interact with these animals. We’ve seen instances of cats and dogs forming friendships with deer.
Like one foster cat, who is normally shy but warmed up to the surprise visitor at her window.
According to The Dodo, Lulu is a cat who was rescued from a hoarding situation, and is now being fostered by Jennifer Burke. Naturally, the cat has still been a little skittish around people.
“She is very shy and gets scared easily,” Jennifer told The Dodo.
But that all changed when she met a deer named Dolly.

While it’s not unusual to see deer in their backyard, Dolly often hung around their home… and soon, Lulu took notice.
One day, Jennifer realized that Lulu was watching the deer through the window, and Dolly was looking right back. They seemed to have a bond, both fascinated with the other.

While the other cats in the house are scared by the deer, Lulu is happy to come up-close with her new friend.
“Lulu was a bit hesitant the first time Dolly came up so close,” Jennifer told The Dodo. “But, now, it doesn’t faze her one bit. She has even fallen asleep on the perch while Dolly is at the window.”
Now, whenever she’s in the backyard, Dolly makes a special trip to Lulu’s window to check in on her.
It’s clear that Lulu’s new friendship with Dolly has helped her come out of her shell a bit, and her foster mom hopes that she’ll be able to find a forever home soon.
“Lulu truly deserves an amazing forever person who will be patient, and give Lulu the time needed to feel safe so she can be loved fully and spoiled rotten,” Jennifer said.
“But that adoptive home might need to have some deer neighbors!”
What a beautiful friendship. We’re glad that Lulu has a new friend, and hope she finds a forever home soon! Share this heartwarming story!