Sky And Max Were Rescued After Being Left To Die In An Empty House.

Sky and Max’s owners had been evicted from their house and no longer wanted to take care of their two pit bulls. But instead of trying to find them new homes, they just left the poor dogs in the house.

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One pit bull was locked up in a cage while the other went loose. Neither had food and they both barked constantly for help. There was no furniture left, only empty rooms. The loose dog had defecated all over the house and the house stank throughout.

Luckily, neighbors threw some food through the window so they wouldn’t starve… And they also called for help.

When Guardians of Rescue staff arrived on the scene, the dogs were timid and afraid of people. But when they were finally freed from the house and given real food, their tails began to wag again. And they transformed into completely new dogs.

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It turns out, Sky and Max are loving and kind dogs. They just hadn’t had the chance to show it.

Now they’ll need abandoned or trapped again. Sky has already found a new home, and Max lives in foster care while he waits to be adopted.

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I don’t understand how people can treat dogs like that. But it’s heartening to know that there are also people out there who care deeply about animals. Good luck, Sky and Max!

If you’re also happy that Sky and Max have been given a second chance, please share their story!

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