Farmer hears strange noises from the stables – when she opens the door she sees the incredible

Liz runs a large horse farm called Equinisity. People from all over the world can come and visit her in order to try out living close to nature and her horses. The horses move freely in large areas.

On one particular sunny day, Liz’s horses decided to all head for their barn. 

They had just eaten and simply wanted to digest their meals in the shade for a while. Several of them took the opportunity to, well, ‘let go” – and soon Liz could hear it outside.

It’s not uncommon for horses to rest and sleep in groups, but to do so, they must be completely relaxed and comfortable with each other and their environment. Often, one stays up to keep watch. But on this particular day, they seemed to be gathering to cuddle rather than necessarily sleep!

To clarify – none of the horses in the clip below have any disease or stomach problems – they simply need to ease off some pressure 🙂

Watch Liz’s film of the farting horses below:

You can see more on Liz and her farm here

My wish is for all horses worldwide have as cozy a life as Liz’s horses clearly do! Share this wonderful video if you enjoyed watching them sleep and relax, too!

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