This cat will mesmerize you with his eyes and leave you helpless against the power of his cuteness

Coby is a British Shorthair with his distinctively chunky body, dense coat, and broad face. But what sets him apart are his clear blue eyes.

Facebook/Coby The Cat

And those eyes have quickly made Coby Internet-famous with 334,000 followers on Instagram and about 10,000 on Facebook.

Facebook/Coby The Cat

Coby has his manic moments but remains forever adorable…

Facebook/Coby The Cat 

Even when he goes outside and realizes he doesn’t like snow.

Facebook/Coby The Cat

He has the heart of a lion, but somehow, he doesn’t seem so fierce.

Facebook/Coby The Cat

That’s okay, though. You don’t need to be king of the jungle when you’ve got eyes as enchanting as these.

Facebook/Coby The Cat

 To keep staring into Coby’s baby blues, check out his pages on Instagram and Facebook!

 Are you as taken with Coby as we are? Like this article and pass it along to your friends on Facebook! 

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