What happens to your body when you let your cat purr on your stomach

Cats purr when they’re happy and feeling satisfied. But purring can also help cats to calm themselves.

And new research suggests that purring, besides being cozy, also has positive effects on the health and wellbeing of humans.

Domestic cats purr at a frequency of about 25 cycles per second (25 Hz), which just happens to be the perfect frequency to affect our bodies.

Check all the health benefits that a cat’s purr can have:

Reduces stress

Thanks to the low frequency of a cat’s purr, we feel reassured and relaxed. And the sound of a cat purring as it lies on your belly is not only cozy—it can also reduce stress hormones in our bodies.

Lowers blood pressure

Not only does the sound of purring lower stress, it often leads to a drop in blood pressure. This is quite a beneficial effect, since high blood pressure can be dangerous.

Helps with breathing

People who suffer from a shortness of breath often find that purring helps them think about breathing. It may be that purring is reminiscent of inhalation and exhalation.

Can heal bones

Studies show that purring may promote the healing of bone fractures. Sound waves that vibrate betweeb 25 to 50 Hz have been shown to accelerate the healing of fractures.

And since cats purr at around 15 to 25 hertz, the sound can also accelerate the healing of broken bones.

Protects against heart disease

A study from the University of Minnesota shows that cat owners have a 40 percent lower risk of heart disease than non-cat owners and are also less likely to suffer from heart attacks. Researchers believe that purring is also linked to lower stress levels and lowers blood pressure.

Heals torn muscles

Just like it can accelerate the healing of broken bones, purring may also help torn muscles and tendons heal more quickly.

Helps against inflammation

As if there weren’t enough positive effects, purring can prevent inflammation and swelling in the joints and tendons, according to studies.

Please share this article with your friends—especially those who need some extra cuddle time with a purring cat 🙂

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