Cats aren’t only sweet, smart, and absolutely wonderful. They also have the ability to crawl into small spaces and cozy up where you least expect them to.
Just ask Saba and Tora’s owner. She recently bought herself a new electric foot warmer.
But she didn’t realize that she wasn’t actually going to be for her.
If you have a cat or you’ve have spent any time around one, you know that they have the uncanny ability to be wherever you are. Whether you’re eating breakfast at the table, lounging on the sofa, or perhaps sitting on the toilet, your cat always wants to be up in your grill—and sometimes, it can actually make things a little difficult.
But no matter how much cats get in the way, it’s always lovely to receive their love. For this woman, her foot warmer turned out to a great purchase… for her cats.

Meet Saba and Tora. They’re good friends and do everything together.
And when their owner bought a foot warmer to heat up her toes on chilly evenings, she expected her feet to be bathing in warm bliss.

The best way to get warm is lie close together and snuggle as tightly as possible. But then it’s even better with an electric foot warmer to provide a little extra warmth.
Because it runs on electricity, the foot warmer is only turned on when Sheba and Tora’s owner is home. But ever since they’ve taken over the foot warmer, their mama has managed to capture some lovely pictures of her photogenic cats.

Just because it’s called a foot warmer doesn’t mean you can’t warm your heads, too. Saba and the Torah weren’y shy about taking over the foot warmer and turning it in their new luxurious bed.

When it gets a little too warm, you can always crawl out and get a little air.
Sometimes, they have to sleep alone. But it’s always better to be with a best friend.

Cats are really quite amazing. Please share this article if you also enjoyed seeing Torah and Saba snuggle up in their foot warmer.
Published by Animal Bible. Please like.