Woman Stops Traffic To Help A Family Of Geese Across The Road.

The woman was immediately struck with the desire to help. She pulled over, turned on her hazard lights, and went to the geese’s side. Then, she stopped traffic and helped the family of two adult geese and their nine small goslings cross the street. And luckily, everything went smoothly…

That is, until they reached the other side of the road. Unfortunately, the goslings couldn’t get up onto the sidewalk, so the woman realized she needed to step in again. However, this idea wasn’t very popular with the momma goose, whose instinct kicked in. Not wanting a human near her young, she tried to stop the woman’s rescue attempt. But what she didn’t know was that the woman was just trying to help!

In the end, everything worked out and the family made it to safety. And I must say, I was really impressed that the woman did her utmost to help the geese, despite heavy traffic and an angry momma.

Watch the heartwarming video here:

This woman is a true hero! Wasn’t it nice that she gave it her all to help these geese across the road? Share if you agree!
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