Courteney Cox played the beloved Monica on the long-running sitcom Friends.
Since her legendary run on the show, she has changed her appearance quite a bit. She now admits that she wishes she never got some of that work done.
Recently, Courteney Cox sat down with the Gloss Angeles podcast to talk about beauty.
Speaking with hosts Kirbie Johnson and Sara Tan, she explained that she wishes she had never gotten fillers in her face.
“Thinking I was getting older when I was really young, that’s just a bummer, a waste of time; it’s a domino effect, it’s like you don’t realize that you look a little off, so then you keep doing more cause you look normal to yourself,” she said.
“You look in the mirror and go, ‘Oh, that looks good,’ you think, and you don’t realize what it looks like to the outside person and just doing too many fillers and having to have them removed, which thank god they are removable, I think I messed up a lot and now luckily I can, I was able to reverse most of that, now I’m actually just older.”
The Scream star also noted how put-off she still gets when she sees old pictures of herself with the fillers.
“I look at pictures of me from when I thought I looked okay, and I can’t believe it,” she said.
This has been the first time that the star has directly addressed the work she has had done. Many online have commented on how different she has looked and how distracting it is in film, but the star only now has expressed her own regrets with altering her appearance.
Cox told New Beauty in 2017 that there is a lot of pressure and normalcy with cosmetic procedures and plastic surgery in Hollywood, especially for women.
“You go to a doctor who would say, ‘You look great, but what would help is a little injection here or filler there’,” she explained.
Discussing her choice to remove the fillers in her face, she said, “I feel better because I look like myself. I think that I now look more like the person that I was.”

Happy with her choices, she added:
“Things are going to change. Everything’s going to drop. I was trying to make it not drop, but that made me look fake. You need movement in your face, especially if you have thin skin like I do.
“Those aren’t wrinkles – they’re smile lines. I’ve had to learn to embrace movement and realize that fillers are not my friend.”
We love Courteney’s decision to look more like her actual age!
What do you think about the pressure put on Hollywood stars? Does it bother you? Let us know in the comments!