“We don’t need you” – Fox News’ Sean Hannity slams Prince Harry for criticizing the First Amendment

Sean Hannity Harry

Prince Harry has one again found himself in the spotlight. The last few of months have been all about his relationship with the Royal Family. But now, it appears he’s also gotten himself into politics.

Harry spoke out last week, appearing to launch an unlikely attack on the First Amendment (by calling it “bonkers”). Needless to say, his comments were not appreciated, at least not by Fox News host Sean Hannity.

Speaking on his show, Hannity blasted Harry for his words on the First Amendment, calling him “The Prince of Woke”.


Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have finally been able to focus on their new life in Montecito, California. The funeral of his grandfather, Prince Philip, left Harry with many emotional scars, according to royal experts, especially since the outcome of a meeting with his father, Prince Charles, and brother, Prince William, wasn’t a favorable one.

Harry’s emotional overload

According to royal expert Paul Burrell, Harry feels “totally torn” about he and his wife’s decision to step down from their roles within the Royal Family and move to the US.

“His heart is on two different sides of the Atlantic now,” Burrel told Closer. “Meghan will be faced with that dilemma – the bombshell that Harry now feels split in two.”

Paul Burrell has known Harry since he was only a couple of years old, as he worked as a butler for Princess Diana for 10 years. Harry being back in the UK will undoubtedly have stirred up many emotions, he claims.

“Being back in the UK, seeing his family – the family he has criticized – is extremely difficult,” Burrell said.

“Seeing his beloved granny, the Queen, and to face his father and brother would not be easy. Even submerging himself back into the House of Windsor and the buildings that hold so many memories.”


Now, with Harry back in the US, he and Meghan have a big test ahead of them. According to Burrell, Meghan will have to take on a huge chunk of responsibility.

Harry & Meghan – charity

“She will have to figure out what their next steps will be. Those two – from different worlds – are going to have to work it out to align themselves,” he told Closer.

With tensions simmering, Meghan and Harry have been able to focus on other projects.

The couple showed their support for a social organization in New Zealand named Make Give Live. In honour of their son’s second birthday, they donated 200 knitted beanies.

The charity will now donate a total of 400 beanies to children in need this upcoming winter.

“Thank you Harry & Meghan, Duke & Duchess of Sussex, and of course, Archie for the generous donation of these 200 beanies to your friends on the other side of the world in NZ.”

For Mother’s Day, meanwhile, Harry and Meghan also decided to do something very special in order to help others. Through their non-profit foundation Archewell, the couple made a donation to help disadvantaged mothers in their new home state of California.

It was revealed through the Harvest Home Organization that Meghan and Harry are donating things for mothers and babies in need.

Harry’s new podcast interview

Meghan made her first public appearance since the Oprah interview last week when she and Harry were part of a television fundraiser VAX Live: The Concert to Reunite the World. She also paid tribute to Princess Diana by wearing a very special piece of jewelry.

At the same time, Harry is doing his bit as well. A couple of days ago he appeared in the trailer for an Apple documentary series with Oprah Winfrey, the goal of which is to shed more light on the issue, removing it of stigma.

But even though Meghan and Harry are doing all these nice things, there remains negative publicity coming their way.

Speaking on the Armchair Expert podcast, Harry recently took a swing at the First Amendment, describing it as “bonkers”.


“I don’t want to start going down the First Amendment route because that’s a huge subject and one which I don’t understand because I’ve only been here a short time,” he said.

Criticized the First Amendment

“But, you can find a loophole in anything. You can capitalize or exploit what’s not said rather than uphold what is said. I believe we live in an age now where you’ve got certain elements of the media redefining to us what privacy means. There’s a massive conflict of interest.”

Harry was speaking about the First Amendment protection while discussing the paparazzi press on the podcast. He said that there were a media “freezing frenzy” resulting from his stay at a Beverly Hills mansion.

Speaking on the subject, Harry also stated that he, Meghan and Archie really love living in Montecito, California. He explained it as “more free”, far removed from life as a royal.

“Living here now, I can actually lift my head and I feel different,” Harry explained on the Armchair Expert podcast. “My shoulders have dropped, so has hers, and you can walk around feeling a little bit more free. I get to take Archie on the back of my bicycle.”


Even though Harry broached several “innocent” subjects, the First Amendment one proved to be fragile indeed. Now, Fox News host Sean Hannity has slammed the Prince for his comments.

Harry slammed by Sean Hannity

Speaking on his show, Hannity delivered a lengthy monologue, saying that if Harry doesn’t like the First Amendment, maybe it’s time to leave the US and live somewhere else.

“I have a message for Harry, who is now attacking one of America’s most sacred rights, the freedom of speech under our First Amendment. Harry, we really don’t need you coming from England to give us lectures on the First Amendment,” Hannity said in his monologue.

“And if he can’t understand the importance of free expression and the importance of constitutional principles that allow for a free exchange of ideas and ideals and opinions that have made America the greatest country on Earth. Maybe it’s time for you to move to a place more compatible with your restrictive ideas.”


Further, Hannity stated that the First Amendment actually allowed Harry to “trash” the Royal Family, as well as accuse them of racism, as he and Meghan did in the Oprah interview. He continued by calling Harry the “Prince of Woke Social Justice Warriors”.

“You’re free to go home”

“We don’t really need lectures about customs or sacred freedoms,” Hannity continued. 

“And by the way, you’re free to go home, make amends at the palace with the people that you and your wife hurt deeply. And by the way, you’re enjoying the freedoms protected under the First Amendment as you’re living in America and an expensive place. Let not your heart be troubled.”

On the Armchair Expert podcast, Harry further spoke openly about his personal struggles. He also said he’s seeing a therapist, as well as shared his thoughts on his own upbringing.

At the same time as stating that he places no blame on his father, Harry said Charles handed down a “cycle” of “genetic pain and suffering”.


“I don’t think we should be pointing the finger or blaming anybody. But certainly when it comes to parenting, if I’ve experienced some form of pain or suffering because of the pain or suffering that perhaps my father or my parents had suffered, I’m going to make sure that I break that cycle so that I don’t pass it on basically,” Harry said.

Harry criticizes Prince Charles

“There’s a lot of genetic pain and suffering that gets passed on anyway, as parents we should be doing the most that we can to try and say ‘you know what that happened to me, I’m going to make sure that doesn’t happen to you.’”

Harry continued: “I never saw it, I never knew about it, and then suddenly I started to piece it all together and go OK so this where he went to school, this is what happened.

“I know this bit about his life, I also know that’s connected to his parents. So that means that he’s treating me the way that he was treated. Which means how can I change that for my own kids?”


Harry also brought up several serious issues in the new podcast, including that he actually wanted to leave the Royal Family in his early 20s. A lot had to do with how he saw his mother Princess Diana treated before her death.

“Look what it did to my mum, how am I ever going to settle down and have a wife and a family when I know that it’s going to happen again,” Harry explained. “I don’t want to be part of this,”

Wanted to leave royals in his 20s

Harry added that he started therapy because it “it was like the bubble was burst”.

“I was like,’OK, you’re in this position of privilege, stop complaining or stop thinking as though you want something different, make this different. Because you can’t get out, so how are you going to do this differently, how are you going to make your mum proud, how are you going to use this platform to really affect change?” he added.


Along with the harder topics, Harry also touched upon a number of humorous and light-hearted things in the podcast. For example, he recalled the time he met Meghan in a supermarket the first time she came to stay with him.

Spoke about Meghan’s first UK visit

The couple met for the first time in 2016. This after a friend of theirs set them up on a blind date.

“We met up in a supermarket in London pretending as though we didn’t know each other, so texting each other from the other side of the aisle,” Harry said.

“There were people looking at me giving me all these weird looks and coming up and saying hi or whatever, and I was there texting saying is this the right one and she was saying ‘no you want parchment paper’. I’m like, ‘OK, where’s the parchment paper?’”

What do you think about Harry’s comments on the First Amendment? So you think he’s right or wrong? Please, give us your opinion in the comment section.

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