With the advent of OnlyFans there have been a lot of adult content creators who have risen to new heights of fame. One of these creators in UK based Lily Phillips who is known as one of the most popular OnlyFans creator.
As the competition on every platform gets tougher, creators are driven to come up with unique ideas that not only attract more eyeballs but also earn them more money in their bank accounts.
Keep reading to know more about what Lily Phillips is now saying.
OnlyFans creator Lily Phillips made headlines when she slept with a 101 men in a single day. While the attempt itself was one of its kind, it was the documentary YouTuber Josh Pieters released on it two months later that gained a lot of traction.
The Derbyshire native said to Josh the experience was not easy. After she was done, she told him on camera, “It’s not for the weak girls. If I’m honest, it was hard. I don’t know if I’d recommend it. It’s a different feeling. It’s just one in, one out, it feels intense.”
She shared how she felt during the ordeal, saying, “I think by the 30th, when we’re getting on a bit, I’ve got a routine of how we’re going to do this, and sometimes you disassociate, and it’s not like normal s*x at all.”
The 24-hour marathon was so physically and mentally demanding that she revealed she had blocked out some of the memories.
“In my head right now, I can think of like five, six guys, 10 guys that I remember, and that’s it. But it’s just weird, isn’t it? If I didn’t have the videos, I wouldn’t have known I did 100,” she said.
She previously said she has not been dating anyone as her profession is not conducive to her having a normal love life.
After the documentary went viral, instead of reflecting, Phillips announced her next big challenge: sleeping with 1,000 men in one day.
She said in an interview that she has been training for the challenge and compared it to any other sporting event. “I’ve done 101, and I’m doing 300 in a few weeks, it’s like a boxing match,” she said.
“I think I’ll get sore towards the end, but I think I’ve got the right determination just to be able to push on,” she ended.
She shared how what she does is “harder than a 9 to 5.”
“If you talk about a day job, as in going to the office, sleeping with 101 men is so much more taxing,” she reasoned. But it has since then been reported that she will not be following through with her 1,000 people target as fellow adult entertainer Bonnie Blue already beat her to it in January this year.
Bonnie has claimed that she slept with 1,057 men in a time span of 12 hours. The documentary on her feat will be released on a major UK TV network, according to reports.
When she began casting for her big record, she called for “boys, dads, and husbands” who were interested in participating with her.
Lily Phillip’s surprise announcement
While she beaten at her 1,000 men in a day record, it seems like Lily Phillips is about to make headlines for something else. She revealed on social media that she is pregnant.
She posted a photo of a pregnancy test which read ‘1-2 weeks’ and another picture of herself cradling her baby bump.
“‘The secret is out, baby Phillips 2025. It’s official,” she wrote in her post. As for the father of the baby, she did not reveal anything regarding that. She has not previously shared that she has been dating someone.
However, people were suspicious about the post and accused Lily of faking a pregnancy in order to promote her adult content.
“This is not real,” one of person simply wrote, while another added, “I’m here for all the gullible comments.”
Fans immediately spot detail
While another comment broke down the reasons they thought this was fake news. They wrote, “Pregnant 1-2, with such a big Belly? I dont get it. Sorry…if rhe Test would be older,then the display would no longer show anything. I only know this from my own. Can someone explain to me what the 1-2 means? (Months?)”
Others also thought similarly, with one person commenting, “It’s fake can’t have a bump like that in 1-2 months😂”
People also noticed that when she filmed a promo for the upcoming Pillow Talk podcast, she did not seem pregnant. One user wrote, “Her stomach was so flat when she did the Pillow Talk Show. Was that filmed 2+ months ago?”
Another person seconded this theory, writing, “Fake… you were just on the podcast not showing at all, we get that you love attention but this is just sick 🧐”
A lot of people who either bought the news or were bent of trolling Phillips simply wanted to know who the father was.
“Who’s the daddy?” one user wrote in the comments.
“Mission Impossible: Figuring out who knocked up Lily Phillips,” another comment said.
Some people also mentioned that she had recently made an appearance at the Adult Video News Awards where she did not have a bump and that it could not have grown so much in less than a month.
All in all, Lily Phillips has not said anything otherwise than that she is pregnant. What do you think of this story? Let us know in the comments.