When help is needed, brave angels on earth sometimes step in. Nancy Miller is one such angel.
The Chippewa County, Michigan nurse recently braved through a blizzard in snowshoes for close to half a mile — just to get to the home of a patient in need.
Now she is being called an ‘Angel in Snowshoes’.
It all started when the Chippewa County Health Department nurse got a call from a colleague who advised her that a patient nearby was in need of care.
“We got a call from a hospice patient who really needed to have a nurse visit and the nurse that was working that took the call lives in Brimley, about 20 miles away. She called me she knew I lived fairly close to this patient and asked if i could go over,” Nancy told 9&10 News.
“I said sure, I can do that and I went outside and realized we had a lot of snow,” she added.
Indeed, a huge snow storm was blasting through the area and showed no signs of slowing. Roads were blocked and the temperature was below freezing.
But while bad weather would be a first, easy excuse on so many’s lips, Nancy instead thought “How can I make this work?”
So she strapped on a pair of snowshoes and off she went.

Humble Angel
Nancy is surprised at the attention the story has since received and says simply that she is certain others would have done the same.
“I’m sure that if I couldn’t have done it our director would have found someone to get a snowmobile out here to get to that patient’s house,” she said.
“The patient was the important person here, I shouldn’t be getting all the attention,” she added.
Watch the news report below for more on Nancy’s wonderful deed.
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Aren’t nurses simply wonderful? Share if you agree Nancy truly is an Angel in Snowshoes!