Although there may be many options to pay off medical debt, it can still be a huge financial hardship.
Imagine owing several thousands of dollars, and despite being on a payment plan or working out another way to pay, you still have trouble paying off your debt. There are many people across the country who fall into that category, and some of them recently received a lifeline.
This year, Pathway Church, a church in Wichita, Kansas, decided to forgo their usual advertisements about their Easter services. In place of sending out flyers advertising Easter weekend services, Pathway Church mailed a different type of flyer to 1,600 families throughout the entire state of Kansas.
“We’re Pathway Church,” the mailer read. “We may never meet you, but as an act of kindness in the name of Jesus Christ, your debt has been forgiven.”
This Easter, we sent a special piece of mail to all 1,600 Kansans who fell into a hardship category determined by RIP…
Posted by Pathway Church on Monday, April 22, 2019
Pathway Church partnered with the non-profit, RIP Medical Debt, to eliminate the financial obligations of 1,600 families in Kansas.
In their Easter message, the church announced that they were able to pay off $2.2 million in medical debt. How? RIP Medical Debt purchases debt for pennies.
For example, one penny pays $1 of debt, $100 pays off $10,000, and so on.

Pathway Church paid around $20,000 in order for the $2.2 million to be forgiven.
The pastor shared with the congregation that not only were the families’ medical debt gone, but so was any negative impact that the debt may have caused was also cleared.
Easter at Pathway: Message Highlight
This Easter, we sent a special piece of mail to all 1,600 Kansans who fell into a hardship category determined by RIP Medical Debt. We let them know that in Jesus’ name, their medical debt had been forgiven.Jesus did the same thing on the cross when He declared “it is finished.” The debt of our sins, that we could not pay, had been forgiven!Tetelestai. It is finished. Paid in full. #EasterAtPathwayWatch the full message at pathwaychurch.com/messages
Posted by Pathway Church on Monday, April 22, 2019
Pathway Church’s decision to use money they would have used for advertisements is one that we can all learn from. Even if we can’t afford to pay off millions of dollars of debt or help thousands of people, we can still make a difference in one person’s life.
Pass this story on to your friends to make a difference.