From a young age we are taught never to run into a burning building – let the firefighters be the heroes.
But when Ryan Pasborg spotted an early morning house fire, he couldn’t wait around for first responders. He had to do what he could to help.
Pasborg was on his way to work in Green River, Wyoming, early Tuesday morning when he smelled smoke and then spotted a house on fire. As he pulled his vehicle over he saw three young children run from the home.
They saw Pasborg and told him that their mother was still inside with their younger brother.
The 32-year-old didn’t waste any time and quickly entered the house via the garage. He “crawled on his hands and knees” and was able to find the children’s four-year-old sibling and brought him to safety.
Since the windchill was below “well below zero,” according to a press release, Pasborg put all four children in his truck to keep them warm.
He then entered the burning home a second time to find their mother.
Pasborg found her inside the home. She was burned and having a difficult time breathing. He dragged her outside, but by then she was unconscious and “no longer breathing.”
He performed lifesaving measures on her, and she began breathing on her own.
The good Samaritan drove his truck to the end of the family’s driveway where they all waited for emergency officials to arrive.
If it wasn’t for Pasborg, it’s unclear how this situation would have turned out.
“You know, as a police officer, most of the stories I remember involve bystanders helping first responders in difficult situations,” Deputy Jason Mower, spokesperson for the sheriff’s office, said.
“I think this is the first time in nearly 15 years of law enforcement that I’ve ever heard of a total stranger truly going above and beyond in a way and in a situation that many wouldn’t have dared to face.”
Pasborg also spent “several hundred dollars” to purchase clothing and other necessities for the family.
The 34-year-old mother suffered severe burns and was flown to University of Utah Burn Center in Salt Lake City. Her 4-year-old child suffered minor injuries.
A true hero. How many people do you know that would risk their life for a complete stranger?
Please share this inspiring story with all your friends and family.