12-year-old girl fighting for life with coronavirus is improving – she needs all our prayers

The Atlanta 12-year-old struggling to stay alive in a battle with coronavirus is showing signs of improvement, according to reports.

Emma gained widespread attention on Sunday when her plight was shared by major news outlets. Her cousin Justin Anthony said the little girl “was fighting for her life” against coronavirus, but the lates update appears to be positive.

As per CNN, Justin said Emma is now “slowly waking up out of sedation and is responding well to her dad and mom.”

After an X-ray of her lungs, doctors at the Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta-Scottish Rite Hospital confirmed she had shown “good improvement”.

Emma has no underlying health conditions and Justin said her family remain unsure as to how she was infected with COVID-19. Her case is simply another that serves as proof against the notion some people are carrying that only the elderly or sick are at risk.

Issuing a warning to others, Justin said:

“I know first-hand how dangerous it is.

“Everyone keeps saying it doesn’t impact younger people. But here’s a 12-year-old.

“People need to practice social distancing. People need to take care of their children. People need to take this seriously.”

Indeed, we can only hope by now that people are taking coronavirus seriously and treating it with the respect it deserves.

Here’s to praying Emma makes a swift recovery from this horrible virus.

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