2 elderly women attacked on the street in broad daylight – then homeless man gets angry and steps in

It was just last week that security cameras captured some rather distressing footage on Pitkin Avenue in New York.

Two older women were walking down the street – when they were suddenly and violently attacked by a stranger.

Before either of the ladies had time to react, the man had knocked them down to the ground with fierce blows.

Image Source: Youtube

But what the attacker wasn’t considering was that there was an unexpected hero lurking in the midst; one that would soon jump into action.

When the perpetrator tried to flee the scene, a homeless man came to the rescue.

He had watched the coward with his own eyes; witnessed the attack on two helpless women. He didn’t hesitate for a second when it came to exacting revenge in the name of the pensioners.

Image Source: Youtube

The homeless man chased after the offender, tackling him to the ground. He then held onto the culprit until other witnesses were able to call the police.

“He risked it all,” Jacaira Baez Mercedes, a passerby, said, as per CBS Local.

“We should have more people like him in the neighborhood because he actually saved her from getting more hurt. And he held the man down until the police came.”

Image Source: Youtube

The homeless man then rushed back to the two women to attend to them. He also explained the events to the police, who promptly arrested the perpetrator.

Thanks to one man’s bravery, both women survived the attack. They were taken to hospital to be treated for minor injuries, but were able to return home.

In the clip below, you can watch the man take down the attacker:

What a genuine hero. Talk about doing your civic duty!

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