2-year-old girl adopted over Zoom after 700 days in foster care

When Isla was only a week old she went to live with the Moody family in Jacksonville, Florida. Although she didn’t share the same last name, she was treated like one of their own for 700 days until April 30 when the family gathered together and formally adopted Isla over Zoom.


The coronavirus pandemic has changed so many aspects of our lives. From how we shop for groceries to how children learn to how we receive medical care.

It’s also changed how many legal issues are handled.

Cayela Moody, Isla’s mom, told CBS News that she and her husband, Evan, submitted the adoption papers prior to the pandemic, but they were left in limbo once everything started closing.

“We knew in February that it was pretty much a certainty that she was going to be with us forever, but the actual adoption ceremony itself and decree was on hold indefinitely at that point,” Evan told Good Morning America.


However, once the courthouse reopened and moved some of their proceedings online, the Moody family were able to finalize a date.

So, on April 30, Isla, her parents, their children and her new siblings, and another foster child in the Moodys’ care gathered in their living room and officially adopted the now 2-year-old.

Originally the family planned to host a party to thank everyone for their support, but with social distancing guidelines still in place, many involved in the foster care community in Jacksonville celebrated with a car parade.

“We were blown away at how this group has loved us so well along our journey!” said Cayela.

Congratulations! It’s unfortunate the adoption wasn’t formalized in person, but I’m so glad it was done online.

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