28-year-old visits doctor with ‘toothache’ – later finds out she’s not got long to live


When Jenie Yoo began to suffer from toothache, she could never have known the diagnosis doctors had in store for her. It transpired that what she had wasn’t your run-of-the-mill oral complaint, but rather an aggressive cancer.

The young woman underwent chemotherapy with a view to containing the disease, and in the beginning it seemed to be having a positive effect. In 2017, however, her tumor became more aggressive. It swelled across her face, causing her to lose teeth and giving her daily nose bleeds.

It wasn’t long before doctors told Jenie to prepare for the worst: she was given just months to live.

According to the Mail, Jenie said: “Now this feels like dying, it’s a painful torment and I have seizures all the time.

“My parents cannot go anywhere, they have to stay and help me. I would like them to have a break, with people from an agency to help me, to bring a wheelchair to take me out.

“Sleeping is not easy. Everywhere on my body is aches and is tense. My father has to squeeze and massage my knee until it is loose.

“I don’t know why this happened to me. I cannot eat, even porridge makes me feel sick and fruit I cannot chew. My mouth has ulcers and I cannot walk alone, the symptoms are very bad.

“It’s too late for surgery. I don’t know why they can’t just cut it out. I am so tortured but I still do not want to die now.”

Sadly, Jenie’s body stopped responding to the chemotherapy, and doctors ruled out surgery as they felt it would no longer be possible.

After a painful battle with cancer, Jenie passed away, leaving loved ones to mourn her memory. As per the Daily Mail’s article, below are the warning signs you should look out for when it comes to jaw cancer:

Warning signs

Rest in peace, Jenie Yoo.

We can only hope her story inspires others to live their life to the fullest extent. Tomorrow is promised to no one.

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