6-year-old boy dies after rattlesnake bites him on family bike ride – rest in peace

A community in Security-Widefield, Colorado is in mourning after a six-year-old boy was killed by a rattlesnake bite on Tuesday of last week.

As per tragic reports, Simon Currat was out on a bike ride with his father and sister at Bluestem Prairie Open Space, when the family stopped to have a water break.

After getting off his bike, however, Simon was bitten by a rattlesnake. Battalion Chief of the Security Fire Department, Derek Chambers, said that Simon had ran ahead of his father and sister to look at a mile marker sign.

Simon’s father is said to have heard his son yell “rattlesnake” and leapt into action immediately.

The panic-stricken dad carried his son to the nearest neighborhood, where residents soon heard the cries for help and called 911. One neighbor said it felt like first responders got to Simon quickly.

Battalion Chief Chambers said he arrived on the scene five minutes after the 911 call had been placed – at this point Simon had not yet gone into cardiac arrest.

The six-year-old was quickly transported to a local hospital via helicopter, and then taken to Children’s hospital in Aurora for more specialized treatment.

Tragically, however, Simon passed away in hospital on July 9, after a few days.

Michelle Johnson is a leader in the Calvary Worship Center in Colorado Springs, where the boy’s family attends.

He explained: “We received a text message that Simon had been bitten by a snake.

“There was prayer sent out and also pastors that responded by going to the hospital, meeting with the family and praying over Simon throughout the coming days. Of course, we were hoping that he would pull through, but it didn’t go that way.”

My heart goes out to the family of little Simon! Rest in peace, young man.

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