Christian Was Bullied For 2 Years While Growing Hair To Make Wigs For Kids With Cancer.

There are plenty of kids with big hearts. 8-year-old Christian McPhilamy is a glowing example of this. For two years, Christian was bullied by classmates that called him a girl, because he was saving his hair long. But Christian ignored them and continued to grow his hair. When he thought it was long enough he cut it off and donated it to Children With Hair Loss.

According to Florida Today, 6-year-old Christian started to save his hair after he’d seen a commercial for a charity organization that asked people to help them with wigs.


Christian was caught by their message. To the newspaper he says that he felt sad when his classmates bullied him, but never once, he strayed from his goal and always took the time to educate others on why he made the choice to grow his hair. Even adults called him a girl and told him mean things.
– I just wanted to give a wig away, he said to Florida Today.


The 20th of May, he cut his hair. 4 ponytails was donated to nonprofit Children With Hair Loss. The organization helps more than 335 kids sick with cancer.


I feel so happy when I see kids helping other kids in difficult times. Courage and humanitarianism have no age.


Hair cut and satisfied. Well done, Christian! You’re a hero and a true role model.


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