Couple overjoyed when twin girls are born – then doctor walks in and says “I’m sorry”

Parents Matt and Jodie were stunned when the doctor explained that their prematurely-born twin girls, Abigail and Isobel, had been diagnosed with Down’s syndrome.

The couple already had a little boy named Finlay, but they had long been trying for another baby. Mother Jodi had suffered a miscarriage shortly after Finlay’s birth, so she believed she was well prepared for anything.

But the words of the doctor stunned her.

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Not necessarily the words themselves, but more the manner in which they were delivered. According to Jodi, the doctor made the diagnoses sound like a “lifetime punishment”.

The twin girls were born early and had to stay in a neonatal intensive care unit for four weeks. Things looked bleak.

“That day, I didn’t feel like a mother. I just felt lost and confused. I had bleak visions of the future. I thought we’d be carers until we dropped dead,” Jodie explained.

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Statistically speaking, Abigail and Isobel are extremely rare children. The odds of giving birth to twins who both have Down syndrome is one in a million.

That said, the little girls were born with a number of health issues. Abigail is deaf in one ear, while Isobel was born with a hole in her heart.

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Of course, none of it is what someone wants to hear from their doctor. Soon enough, Matt and Jodi were forced to face the stark reality.

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Sadly, there was little support for the parents with regards to information about Down’s syndrome.

No one explained to them that their family of five could lead happy, normal lives just like everyone else.

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As a result, both Matt and Jodi were extremely afraid.

They didn’t know if their girls would be able to go to school like normal children. They didn’t even know if they’d be able to talk.

The family had to do most of it alone; they had to find out for themselves.

There were those who sympathised with the children and felt sorry for them, but Abigail and Isobel got by on the copious amounts of love given by those closest to their family.

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“When the doctor took us to one side to give us the results, he said he was sorry that Abigail and Isobel had Down’s syndrome. To this day I’ll never know what he was sorry for,” Abigail said, as per BarcroftTV.

“And I think if I could ever meet him again, I would like to show him Abigail and Isobel and say, ‘Why did you say sorry because we wouldn’t change Abigail and Isobel for the world now.”

Today – six years after their birth – the girls have proven the dangers of prejudice through ignorance.

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A human being, regardless of their deemed afflictions, deserves a proper chance in life. Abigail and Isobel are perfect examples of that.

Just look at this family. Who could possibly say they’re not happy?

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We can all learn an important lesson from Matt and Jodi: You can be happier than you think, regardless of whether or not your situation is what society tells you is ‘perfect’. 

People with Down’s syndrome should have the same opportunities in life as everyone else. Like and SHARE if you agree. 


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