Trevion and Joanie met in high school and instantly fell in love. Since then, the pair has stuck together and over the years had four girls together.
The girls, who are now 20, 17, 10, and 8 years old are the angels of the family. Still, Trevion and Joanie wanted to conceive another child.
But in 2009, a doctor told the couple that, unfortunately, that wasn’t possible. Joanie was diagnosed with a condition that would prevent her from having children in the future.
Seven years later, however, the same doctor who told Joanie she couldn’t get pregnant again, gave her and Trevion some astounding news. Joanie was in fact pregnant again. But it wasn’t your typical pregnancy…

Trevion and Joanie instantly hit it off when they met as teens. And the high school sweethearts quickly decided to start a family and have children together.

Over the years, the couple had four girls together. And while they thought that they might want one more child, they were also content and happy with their already large family.
But when Joanie got sick and her doctor announced that she could no longer have children, the couple gave up hope of having another child.

Joanie, who otherwise was in good health, took it all in stride. With four beautiful daughter and a loveing husband, she felt that her family was complete.
But seven years later, the same doctor who announced that Joanie couldn’t get pregnant, had the most unexpected news: she was pregnant again!

And it wasn’t just that Joanie was pregnant… The doctor discovered that she was expecting identical triplets! The chance of this happening is about one in 200 million.
But the more children in the womb, the greater the risk of complications. Since Joanie is so short and she was carrying three children, chances were slim that the babies would survive. And even if they did, there Joanie’s life was also in danger.
The family was of course happy for their miracle, but the potential dangers worried them.

Then, a family friend put the couple got in touch with a clinic that specializes in high-risk pregnancies, and Joanie had the babies there. The boys, Devon, Bryce, and Miles, were born three months premature and were so small that Trevion was able to slide his wedding ring over their arms.

Luckily, the three beautiful boys survived and after spending 10 weeks in the hospital, they were strong enough to go home.

Eighteen months after the three little miracles were born, the family is doing great. Just look at how wonderful they are together!

Watch the family’s wonderful story here:
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