As soon as they became a couple, Amber and Levi began dreaming of starting a family. When the couple finally had their first daughter, they were of course overjoyed. And when they welcomed their second daughter into the world, they were as just as proud as the first time. Proud parents of two babies, Amber and Levi thought about having more children but jointly concluded that their two daughters would suffice. But fate had a different plan in place for them… The family of four got a shock when it turned out Amber was pregnant again. And when doctors informed Amber that she was expecting triplets, they could barely believe it. Then, just when it seemed this story couldn’t possibly offer any more surprises, the family was taken aback yet again when they realized that their three little angels had something very unexpected in common…

Amber and Levi had dreamed about having a family for a long time and eventually had two little girls. They were extremely happy with their daughters and thought they’d stop at two children. But that was before doctors told them that they should start decorating their nursery again. They had some very special triplets on the way…

Amber gave birth to the girls by C-section and each baby weighed exactly 1.8 kilograms. The girls were certainly a bit smaller than average, but they were all completely healthy and bursting with life.
Instead, it was Amber who had to fight for her life. Amber went into cardiac arrest during delivery and was soon pronounced dead. But thanks to the doctors’ rapid response, she managed to survive. Though she had lost a lot of blood, after she was given transfusions, her condition became stable.

And when you see her hold her children together with daddy Levi, you can understand why she refused to give up. Amber needed to stay on this earth to watch over her three little newborns!
With Amber life out of danger, both the doctors and the family discovered something unusual about the babies’ faces.

The girls looked exactly the same! Amber and Levi had identical triplets, both in appearance and weight. The chance of having identical triplets is one in 200 million. Talk about miracles! The doctors and the family could hardly believe their eyes.

Since Amber is still recovering from the difficult birth, family and friends started a fund to help the family. Levi had to reduce his working hours to help at home, while Amber’s hospital visits soared. But thanks to financial support from both friends and strangers, the family’s future is bright.

It warms the heart to see the babies lined up for this nice photo with their sisters. Levi, Amber, Lilly, Josey, Norah, Rylan, and Remi have an exciting time ahead of them. Congratulations on the triplets and a big hug to everyone!
Please share this story if you want wish this family the best of luck in the future.
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