In this day and age, if someone has the talent for singing or dancing, it is a lot easier to display it to the world than it had been in previous times. With the advent of television, broadcasting, and even social media, it has become a lot easier to access content and hence talent.
A similar case is in this family’s video that did not just cause a sensation when it aired but also for a long time afterwards as it became a favorite on social media.
So keep reading to know about this incredibly tale.
There are so many talented people all around the world and because of the internet, they are able to showcase their talents to millions of people. While some get their five minutes of fame, others maximize it and tend to stay relevant for years.
Talent shows on television help bring onscure talents into the spotlight. Every once in a while, these shows tend to discover a talent that is so unique and special, that everyone who watches it cannot help but be amazed.
One such example of a talent is not just one person but an entire family; The Willis Clan! The family consists of a mother and father, and their twelve children. There are four boys and eight girls, and all of their names start with the letter J. The family lives in Nashville. And while you might think they have one collective talent to show, they actually have several. The family made millions of fans when they appeared on ‘America’s Got Talent‘ in 2014 and showcased their singing and dancing skills.
The family consists of dancers, musicians, athletes, and artists! Whenever they step out to perform, audiences cannot help but be mesmerized and amazed. The family stands in line when they come on stage, but then two of the girls on either ends begin dancing. The other siblings join in and a few of them bring in instruments while the other continue dancing. The routine is perfectly done and has no glitches at all, leaving audiences enthralled. The video is something to watch!
However, while the twelve children presented themselves immaculately on stage, things behind closed doors were anything but perfect.
Then the eldest daughter, Jessica Willis wrote a book, “Unspeakable” outlining the sexual and physical abuse she and her the rest of her family suffered at the hands of her father, Toby Willis. She recalled the first instance of sexual abuse beginning for her when she was just 3 years old.
Her father was arrested in 2016. He pled guilty to four counts of child rape. She reported her father when she was 23 years old and married to husband Sean Fischer.
We are sending the Willis family our best and hope they are doing well today. Share this with others who might be a fan of them so they can know what the latest update is.