When Brianna Hill’s bar exam was first scheduled she knew she’d be pregnant.
Her final test to becoming a lawyer was supposed to be in July but the pandemic turned the whole world on its head and the Loyola University graduate’s exam was moved forward.
When Brianna took the exam she was heavily pregnant and hoped baby would stay put, but her son had other ideas.
Brianna took the test remotely in her home but with procedures in place to prevent any cheating.

The law student was ready to go and confident but just minutes into the test she went into labor.
“I stood up and realized my waters had broken,” she told NBC Washington News.
Brianna had to make a call to her doctor who told her she had time and she went back to finish her exam.
“I cleaned myself up, called my husband and called my midwives and they told me I had time so my husband and I decided ‘ok we’re going to keep taking this test'” she said.

Hill completed the first part of her exam and several hours later gave birth to a healthy son, Cassius Phillip, at West Suburban Hospital in Oakpark, Illinois.
After delivering her baby boy she spent the following day taking the final part of her exam.
“I woke up and they (hospital staff) set up a spare room for me,” she said. “They put a ‘Do not enter’ sign on there.”
She breastfed during breaks and eventually completed her exam.

“Definitely a little crazy,” she said of her experience. “But in my mind I had no other option.”
Brianna is due to find out if she passed the exam in December.

This determined woman is already a winner and will have the best birth story to share with her boy when he’s older. Congratulations!
Please share this strong mama story with all your mom friends.