Man bangs his head, only to grow four-inch “devil horn” that requires surgery

According to the Daily Mirror, Shyam first noticed the horn emerging after banging his head. He initially kept the growth under control with the help of his barber, but eventually it began to harden.

Known as a sebaceous horn, the growth is understood to be made of keratin (found in toenails and human hair).

Neurosurgeons put Shyam under the knife at Bhagyoday Tirth Hospital in Sagar City, India, removing the lump and thus alleviating his problem. He’s now said to be in recovery.

Explaining the procedure, surgeon Dr. Vishal Gajbhiye said: “Around five years ago the patient had hurt his head after which a lump started growing.

“Initially, he ignored it as it did not cause any discomfort. Also, he got the growth cut by the local barber.

“But, when the lump hardened and started growing further, he approached the hospital at Sagar.

“In medical terms, this type of rare growth is called sebaceous horn (devil’s horn).

“As the horn is composed of keratin, the same material found in fingernails, the horn can usually be removed with a sterile razor.

“However, the underlying condition will still need to be treated.”

It’s said surgeons used a razor to remove Shyam’s horn, and will now need to treat the cause of the growth to prevent its return.

Well, that’s certainly something I haven’t seen before! What a strange world we live in.

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