Mom goes viral after giving her misbehaving son punishment in public restroom

We all discipline our children in different ways. As parents, it’s our job to ensure they learn that actions have consequences and that doing bad things will result in punishment of some sort.

Mom Molly Wooden, of Fort Hood, Texas recently took to Facebook to share a photo of another woman disciplining her son in the restroom of a Hobby Lobby. It’s since gone viral, attracting praise of its creativity. In fact, no fewer than 43,000 people have shared the photo.

Having watched the woman doll out her justice, Wooden knew the world had to see it. She wrote on Facebook:

“To the woman in the Hobby Lobby bathroom. If my hands weren’t full of children I would have applauded you. As your son gave you the back talk of the century, you stayed calm and collected while adding 10 more push-ups to his already growing number.”

To the woman in the Hobby Lobby bathroom. If my hands weren’t full of children I would have applauded you. As your son…

Posted by Molly Wooden on Saturday, February 22, 2020

Wooden continued: “We need more parents like you, who aren’t afraid to parent their own children because of what someone else might think. 

“He said ‘Mama, this is the bathroom floor, grossssss’. She said ‘maybe you shouldn’t have been acting obnoxious. (They have soap for a reason.) 10 more.'”

Indeed, the general public on social media seemed to approve of this mom’s punishment for her son. Many highlighted the fact that her son isn’t likely to act up again in public.

I personally think all parents should reserve the right to discipline their children – within reason – how they see fit.

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