There’s nothing better than seeing a tiny newborn baby for the first time.
Unless, of course, there’s a surprise involved…
After Theresa Slater welcomed her newborn into the world, her entire family rushed to the hospital to meet the newest member of the clan. Little did they suspect that an astonishing surprise awaited them…
When Theresa Slater gave birth in 2016, she decided to do something special.
All of her relatives came to the hospital to greet the newest addition to the family. But what they didn’t know was that they were about to get the surprise of their lives.
Together with her husband, Theresa had a special surprise in store for them…
The couple decided to keep everything around the birth a secret, so not even their family knew if they were having a boy or girl.

But when each relative arrived at the hospital and took a look in the crib, they saw the exciting truth.
There wasn’t just one baby lying there… There were two!

The couple had been planning the surprise for a long time and did their best to keep it a secret throughout the pregnancy.
“We kept the nursery locked so when people came over they wouldn’t see double. No one ever asked me if I was having twins,” Theresa Slater wrote on YouTube.
The looks on everyone’s faces say it all. They were overjoyed by this wonderful surprise!
Check it out here:
I couldn’t help but be touched by this video.
And I was so happy to see everyone meet the twins. Please share this video with your friends so they can also see this family’s wonderful reactions.