Drunk driving is something we’re routinely warned against, something that by now should need no further explanation.
And yet, for reasons beyond my comprehension, offences relating to drunk driving are still committed. Worse, people are still losing their lives as a direct result of the sheer irresponsibility of others.
A devastated mom of three has shared a heartbreaking photo of the graves of her three children on what would have been their first day back at school. Jennifer Neville-Lake, of Bampton, Ontario, posted the image, showing the graves and the lunch boxes of her children, who were killed by a drunk driver.
Pallbearers. Coffins. Hearses. These words in plural should not be associated with children. But they are associated…
Posted by Jennifer Neville-Lake on Friday, October 4, 2019
9-year-old Daniel, 5-year-old Harry, and 2-year-old Milly should have been heading for their first day back at school. Daniel would have been in eighth grade, Harry in fourth, and Milly in second this September, had they still been alive.
Tragically, however, the three were killed in 2015 when a drunk driver went through a stop sign.
It's 2019, right? That means tomorrow it will be 4 painfully long, unnatural years since a drunk driver chose to drive…
Posted by Jennifer Neville-Lake on Thursday, September 26, 2019
Mom Jennifer shared the emotional images, writing: “These were their lunch bags for their 2015 school year.
“The boys took their lunch bags to school and Milly took hers to her music class and when she would spend Fridays with my dad. Our family’s first day of school because of a drunk driver.”
Jennifer also spoke on Good Morning America, saying: “When I read it to a friend, she mentioned how it made her never want to complain about too much homework, or silly things again and appreciate the moment.
“Your choices become actions that have consequences… I will never, ever get to watch, participate in and with, enjoy, celebrate, cry with, learn with, grow with, be with any of my children again because of another adult’s decision to drive drunk.”
Posted by Jennifer Neville-Lake on Sunday, September 22, 2019
The three children were killed on the way back from their grandparents’ house when a drunk driver, Marco Muzzo, hit the van carrying them, their grandparents and great grandmother. Only Jennifer’s mom survived.
Cops later found that Marco’s blood alcohol level was over twice the legal limit. He pleaded guilty to drunk driving and was sentenced to 10 years in prison.
The offender may be behind bars, but Jennifer now must live the rest of her life without her babies. No sentence can make up for that, no amount of hatred can change it. The important thing now is to help Jennifer in her campaign to ensure no parent ever has to go through the same thing.
Grade 8. Grade 4. Grade 2. Or rather, should be! These were their lunch bags for their 2015 school year. Milly's was…
Posted by Jennifer Neville-Lake on Tuesday, September 3, 2019
Jennifer is dedicating her life to raising awareness against drunk driving, but she needs our help to do it.
Share this article on Facebook in memory of her children. Rest in peace.