Police find homeless children on the street, then mother begins to panic and fears the worst


In December last year, officers Tim Yee and Johnny Le were out on a routine patrol on the streets of Sacramento, USA. As they walked along, they spotted a family of six and quickly realised that something wasn’t right.

Mom Shannon Loveless was in the process of preparing lunch for her three children when the police approached her wanting to talk. She feared she might be in trouble, but it soon turned out the police weren’t there to reprimand her at all. They actually wanted to help!


Having seen the children – in a makeshift camp behind Walmart – they decided they had to act.

According to Liftable, Officer Le said: “Kind of choked up a little bit, to see the kids dirty and hungry, it touched me‬.”

The two cops went to the grocery store and bought both food and toys for the children to play with. Later that very same day, they helped get Shannon and her children into a motel so that they wouldn’t have to sleep outdoors.


Shannon was moved to tears by the officers’ gestures. Finally she had someone to help her get back on her feet.

“We only see the negative side of police officers, so to see this side of them is really awesome. These cops have helped more than they know,” she said.


As per Liftable, a recent update from the family read: “Your deputies helped us in a HUGE way, because of them and the resources they put us in contact with, my family and I will be in our own place within the month! I am so grateful for them and I just want them to know that. I feel like I owe everything to them for what they did for us! Thank you all again!”

This is exactly what we need more of in our society. If everyone helps with a small something, together we can make a big difference for all those out there less fortunate than us – including the homeless. The police in this instance did something that went above and beyond, but in doing so showed huge heart and incredible character.

I don’t know about you, but I feel like officers’ Yee and Le deserve a tribute. Like and share to help spread their story!


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