Science confirms: 2 glasses of wine before bed can actually help you lose weight

Credit: Wikimedia

Who doesn’t enjoy a glass of wine with an evening meal? Or perhaps even just as a relaxant after a long day at work?

Well it turns out that drinking two glasses of red wine before bed could actually work to help you lose weight, despite what you might think.

As per the study mentioned above, there’s a polyphenol called resveratrol in red wine that transforms “white fat” into “beige fat”, making it significantly easier to burn off.

In the Harvard study, 20,000 women were analyzed over the course of 13 years. It was subsequently determined that those who drank two glasses of wine daily were 70 percent less likely to be overweight!

So, why wine at night? Well, another study found that resveratrol also aids you when it comes to suppressing your appetite, meaning you’re far less likely to succumb to desires and raid the fridge to make a late meal.

Is this an excuse to become a raging wine drinker? Of course not. Does it mean that you can justify a cheeky tipple every night? I’d say so!

This is great news for anyone who loves to drink wine.

If you like wine, or know anyone who does, share this article on Facebook to spread the information!

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